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Moving Time!

Well folks, I tried to hang with wordpress  – I tried really really hard! But I just can’t seem to get the hang of it. So, I’m moving on over to Blogger.

Come check it out!


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36 in 2013 – Go big or go home!

I am a HUGE fan of goal-setting! One tip that I picked up from listening to Dean Dwyer’s podcast on Stitcher Radio is to start small. If you want to be a stand up comic, start by telling jokes to groups of friends (good friends – the kind that will NOT laugh politely at un-funny stuff!) & slowly work your way up to going to amateur nights etc. Starting out with the big steps means that it is much easier to fail, and much more difficult to recover from.
So, in the spirit of starting small (while still going big?), I’m going to be picking a minimum of 3 goals for each month of 2013. I have to stick with the goal until the end of the month, at which point I can continue it if I want to, but I”m not obligated. Here are my ideas so far:
Smaller Goals:
– Complete all homework at least one week in advance
– Do the Whole30 and/or 21 day sugar detox
– Use Paleo Trail to track food daily
– Wake up early
– Prioritize quality sleep
– Learn Sewing Basics [Home Ec studio or Sew Hut]
– Go through my entire wardrobe & sell unworn/unwanted clothing
– Finish and practice Success Principles & Loving What Is
– Spending freeze on alternating months: Jan, Mar, May, July, Sept, Nov
        -Exemptions: Travel plans Jan 18-21 limited to food and fun experiences
– Call Crossfit Invictus to schedule a time to check it out
– Try one workout from Pinterest board per month
– Only go on FB with a purpose, or occasionally to see what others are up to
– Don’t eat soy products. [Starting now, keeping it going as long as I can!]
– I am thankful for _____. Today, I accomplished _____. [Complete as often as I can before bed]
– Learn more about blogging.
– Pay for professional layout.
– If cleaning up my diet doesn’t improve my skin, I will go see Dr. Noel.
– No Shampoo for all of January!
I’ve been using the baking soda/vinegar route since 12/27, and I can’t lie – it is a bit rough to get used to! I’m not comfortable being in public if my hair is still wet because the vinegar smell is present until it dries, but it’s not too bad. Today I went to work with it wet, because I simply ran out of time! The main differences I have noticed include needing to wash it more often because it’s getting greasy faster, and it’s fairly dull. I’m sticking with it for all of January to let my scalp adjust and hopefully it’ll work out!
Year-long Goals:
– Break Habits:
       Crossing legs
       Speaking negatively/Making fun of others
– Improve Posture
– Use Paleo Trail to track food
– Make Random Acts of Kindness a part of my life [Started this already! I had a gift card for a coffee shop, so  I ordered my coffee, handed the card over & when he tried handing it back to me I told him to keep it and pay for other people’s orders! He looked at me like I was nuts but it felt amazing!]
– Push my comfort zone
– Happiness/Positivity Jar Project! [I found this one on Pinterest – shocker! Throughout the year you write down good/happy events & experiences and put them in the jar. At the end of the year you open it and go through it all.]
At this point, I’m committed to Whole30 for all of January so that’s the number 1 goal. I will be using Paleo Trail to keep me on track (and maybe identify any problem causing foods?). I sent in a request for more info about Invictus last week (I’m anxious just THINKING about it!!), which is far, far outside of my comfort zone. I haven’t heard back from them, so I’ll be reaching out to them in February. Doing the Whole30 in January is going to be rough enough without adding that to it!
January Goals
Paleo Trail
– Push my comfort zone
I’m planning on coming up with additional goals as needed throughout the year, which works out since they will be relevant! You may be wondering why I didn’t make this a 26 by 26 or 30 by 30 list. I don’t have anything against them – in fact I think a 30 by 30 sounds awesome! Maybe that will be what I tackle next? A sort of a bucket list. I chose 36 in 2013 because 3 tasks per month seemed like a good number.
So, this is my second day of super clean eating, and the only thing I am suffering from is lack of caffiene! I decided to do a combo of the Whole30 and the 21 day sugar detox, as well as giving up coffee. I don’t think coffee is bad on it’s own, but I end up running behind schedule and stopping at Starbucks instead of making my own. This is bad because if I’m at Starbucks, the only thing I want is a soy latte, and first of all it’s soy, second it’s vanilla soy so I know it’s full of sugar + additives.
I tend to be an in for a penny, in for a pound type so I figured if I’m limiting my food options, I may as well go big or go home!!

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The Holiday Season

Ahh the holidays! Cheery music, steaming mugs of coffee and stories about good samaritans. For some people, it isn’t tough to be wonderfully happy during the holidays. For others, it can be quite the opposite. I consider myself incredibly blessed in life, and while there was plenty of potential for sadness this year, I didn’t allow it to take over! My dad and step-mom spent the holidays in Canada with her sister, and my brother and sister-in-law left for Hawaii on Christmas day. My Christmas eve was spent curled up with a book and plenty of redbox movie rentals. And you know what?

I loved it!

Sure, it was far from a traditional Christmas Eve, but it was a chance for me to take a less than awesome situation and change the way I think about it. I have such a loving, caring group of individuals that I call my family (which includes my closest friends!) and they love me regardless of whether they spend a holiday with me. Christmas day was a whirlwind of time spent with two dear friends’ families. I spent the afternoon driving up to San Marcos where I got to eat fried turkey. After dinner, I drove back to San Diego to pick my roommate up from the airport. We got caught up and then I headed over to another friends house.

There, I got to eat a second dinner with old friends! I’ve known Briana since middle school. We’ve had our disagreements over the years, but I really cherish our friendship. Spending the holidays with her family is always interesting. They are like a second family to me, so champagne was flowing while we all helped to pur dinner on the table, and after, Briana and I squeezed in some much needed girl time in the hot tub! I was finally able to deliver an apology that was 4 years in coming. Pride can be so destructive, and I’m so glad I finally got over myself! I have a very tough time having hard conversations, and when the going gets tough I have a nasty habit of cutting my ties and bolting as fast as I can. I’m working on changing it, and the first step was apologizing to those who deserve it!

Welp – back to the grind for me! The holidays never seem to last long enough, do they?

On a random note, does anyone know how to increase the number of pictures you can post on here?! I’ve nearly hit the limit and that makes me sad!!

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The Blues

Not the sad kind! The music and dancing, of course. I love to dance. I know
how to swing dance (lindy hop, charleston, east coast), blues dance and of
course, crazy attractive white girl dance! I love them all, but blues
dancing seems to put me in the most awkward of situations.

To those who are unaware, and didn’t click on the link, blues dancing is
like the dirrrty sexy sister of swing. It’s fun, expressive and almost always
suggestive. Therein lies the dilemma. Anytime I find a partner whose style
meshes well with mine, assumptions are always made!

Can I just say that (just how we learn in He’s Just Not That Into You) if a
man wants to date you, he will make that known. And the same follows for
women!! For pete’s sake – if I want to date you, I will make it abundantly
clear, I promise. Also, considering that the swing and blues community is
generally friendlier than your usual bunch, be stupid obvious if you want
to ask someone out! A great example is this: ‘Hey, I’d really like to take
you on a date sometime!’

If you don’t mention the word date, I will assume we’re just hanging out as
friends. This will make me want to go purchase a gun to  use on you when
you make a surprise visit to my house upset that I don’t want to date you,
because you thought we were already dating!

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I have a confession to make!

And absolutely 0% of people who know me will be surprised.

I am a hippie. Okay, not in every sense of the word (I would definitely NOT still drive my beast of a 95 explorer if I was a true hippie… although it says something about my commitment to using a product until it is truly dead!) BUT in terms of how much I care about what I eat and put on my body, I certainly fit the bill.

I mention in my About Me post that I try to live a Paleo lifestyle. I eat delicious, high-quality food devoid of processed anything, grains and dairy. I drink coffee with coconut milk, and prioritize what I eat and how it is cooked more than most people, let alone most people my age! I also do my best to avoid exposure to as many chemicals as possible. My deodorant is ordered online from a shop on Etsy (Although I did recently read a post that has inspired me to try making my own! The kind I currently use has a lot of essential oils and I feel like it’s been irritating my skin a bit.), I use coconut oil instead of lotion, and a tooth powder instead of toothpaste!

But, I am about to cross a line I have never crossed before. The line where I stop using shampoo and conditioner! Okay, before you develop the permanent opinion that I am gross, please check out this post on the subject!

This girl simplifies it in the perfect way!

“For this cheap, super simple routine, Baking Soda clarifies and removes build-up and Apple Cider Vinegar restores your scalp’s natural pH balance.”

I have tried using the ‘natural’ shampoo and conditioner options out there, and to be honest, they are super expensive, and quite often there is still gluten lurking in the ingredient list!!

So in keeping with my hippie (save-the-planet-and-money-whenever-you-can) attitude, when I realized that I’m nearly out of shampoo it occurred to me that it was the perfect time to try the no ‘poo method!

I’m preeeetty apprehensive about this whole thing, but hey, I’m single so really the only ones who might complain are my roommate or the girls that sit near my cubicle at work!

Honestly, the true confession of this post is that in my mid-twenties I am dealing with acne for the first time of my life. It’s totally embarrassing and I’m actually getting anxiety about possible scarring! I realized recently that I am developing scalp acne. Who even knew that existed?! Definitely not me!! It’s not like I’m running around with a scalp full of zits, but when you’ve got a handful of them scattered around, plus acne around your hairline + bangs, you start adding things up.

I did get a helpful suggestion from a friend to try cutting eggs out of my diet, and it has helped immensely! Still trying to find that solution though, so I will keep you updated!

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Telling others what you need

This is a crucial element to ensuring that you are living the life you want
to be. It is also something I have always struggled with and will probably
struggle with for quite some time. Surprising as it may be, no one has the
ability to read minds. If you don’t tell those around you, with words
and/or actions, what you want, they will not know!!

How awesome/awful would it be if you could read minds?!

How awesome/awful would it be if you could read minds?!

I still really struggle with this. Most of the time, I’m concerned that I
will offend someone or make them upset. So, I try to turn my internal
dialogue around and ask myself how important the situation is to me. If it
concerns my ability to work, sleep or be comfortable at home or work, I try
to be firm in my communication, but still friendly and fair.

I had this odd dream night before last, where I was showing this man a brand new Xbox and game, and was overcome with the knowledge that he was about to steal it. I leaned forward and asked him if he could see the scissors that I was holding in my hand. He replied yes and I then calmly informed him that I would stab him in the femoral artery if he tried to steal my stuff. He grabbed another set of scissors and was about to attack me when I woke up. I was puzzled by this dream all day, and then mentioned it to my dad last night and he made an interesting comment. He said that in a strange way, it represented me standing up for myself.

Most of the time, you need to reach a compromise with someone and the most important thing to remember is that neither of you will be 100% happy with the outcome, but knowing that you reached an agreement that ensures as much happiness for both of you should make it worth it!

Anyone else feel like life is just one learning experience wrapped in
another? I know I sure do! It’s a good thing I love to learn…

In other news, check out my awesomely fantastic new rainboots!!!



[Hunter Rainboots: on sale here!}

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Some people declare with the utmost certainty that there is no such thing
as a coincidence. I don’t know that I fall unequivocally into this
category, but I’m not too far from it! I believe that everything happens
for a reason. You are meant to learn some lesson, or meet someone, or have
a life-changing experience with every encounter you have.

A few years ago, I received an email that was very clearly a forwarded
receipt for a pattern someone had purchased, with a question for the
vendor. The only problem is that I have never sold a pattern in my life!
However, a very nice lady by the name of Vanessa Christenson sells them by
the bushel! And we share the same email address with a one letter variance.
I emailed the woman right back to let her know of her mistake and then
wandered over to this woman’s blog.

I mean, if she’s awesome enough to practically share my name, I want to
know more about her! The coincidences seemed to pile up by the minute, both
of us from southern california, she was living in Iowa at the time which is
where my family is originally from, and she was married to a military man
[I was dating a military man at the time]. I emailed her on a lark and we
had a quick little email chat. Overall, it was a pleasant, interesting

Her blog is of the crafty variety. Over the next few years, I
started to get closer to my wonderful grandmother who is an expert
seamstress [sidenote: Grandma wanted to be a clothing designer, but then
got married and raised kids instead.] and learned a very very little bit
about patterns, etc. Fast forward to the last few months. Sadly, Grandma’s
eyesight has deteriorated so that she is unable to sew and graciously
gifted me with her beloved Bernina [henceforth known as Bernie the Bernina!
I know, my originality astounds you!]. I have no excuse not to find the
time to learn how to use Bernie, especially considering the curtains that
desperately need hemming in my room! If I step on them one more time
and pull the wire out of the wall I don’t think my dad will help me put it
in again!!

I also recently developed the resolve to start blogging for reals. It’s a
scary thought – putting your thoughts and yourself out there for all
to judge! Through a work project, I found the motivation to start this blog
– or so I thought! Turns out, I loved brainstorming, but was so scared I
was having a really tough time actually getting started.

Then I get this picture message on my cell phone from a number I don’t
recognize, and I automatically think how funny would it be if that were the
same fabric Vanessa designed for Moda!

I took a closer look and what do you know! I took that as the universe saying Hey! We could use some of your perspective out her in the good ole interwebs so get your butt in gear!


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Tragedy strikes…

And my response is just like this guy’s:


As the day goes on, I can tell when more information is being released based on peoples’ reactions around me. And each time this happens someone turns to me about to say something, I rush out the following words before they can speak:

I don’t want to know.

And as I go through the day productively working, and listening to Christmas music (too morbid when juxtaposed with whats happening?) I can’t help but feel like a complete jerk.

It’s not that I don’t care, in reality it is quite the opposite. I know myself, and one of my wonderful qualities includes being extremely empathetic toward others. This means that paying attention to this tragedy will result in me crying the day away and dealing with the emotional aftermath for days and weeks beyond. I know that my feelings will in no way match those of the families affected by this travesty, but I also know that if I get wrapped up in this, I won’t be helping anyone at all. I will only be doing damage to my own emotional state, not to mention all of the work I would NOT be doing.

I think that I’m not being an asshole. I think my self-preservation is kicking in and taking care of me.

Regardless of my own reactions (or lack thereof), my thoughts and prayers do remain with the families of those affected by the terrible shooting that occurred in Connecticut today. Words can never express the pain and suffering they are going through.

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About me

I am:
curious, in every sense of the word!

Creepin' on the big sis!

Creepin’ on the big sis!

I love:


Rented a GoCar like a tourist!

I am passionate about:

faith, however you define it.

I’m a Texas Longhorn fan purely because my brother is alumni. I can’t lie, I hardly follow the game itself, but I sure have fun going to games and reppin’ my Texan roots!


UT at UCLA last year

I’m a paleo-eating, adventure-loving intellectual. I love being outside, try my best to live a Paleo lifestyle (Soon to start crossfitting!! Wish me luck :)) and embrace life as much as I can!

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Amazing what a little planning can do!

My parents took a spur of the moment trip yesterday, and called to see if I would house and cat sit until Friday.
Kai Outside
Like I’d say no!?! I LOVE when they leave town! I get to pretend that I live in a swanky house all by myself, take baths in their awesomely huge bathtub and eat all of their food. Plus cuddle with the cats if they are feeling friendly!
I got home from work yesterday and grabbed my overnight bag right away. Ordinarily, when they go out of town, I just throw some assorted basics into my bag with little regard for the weather. As you can imagine, this has led to some interesting outfits, and last-minute borrowing from my stepmom! I live right down the street (hey, you’d want to live that close to your parents if they were as cool as mine are!) so it isn’t impossible to pop down and pick something up, but I hate having to do it!
Last night, I did things a little differently. I got home [scarfed down three of the truffles the realtor left for us as a thank you! The owner of our duplex is trying to sell it, and we have been very accommodating.], whipped out my handy-dandy iPhone, pulled up the weather report and started outfit planning! I planned out each of my outfits for this week so I wouldn’t have to put any thought into getting dressed in the mornings.
I didn’t even realize that picking out my outfits in the morning stresses me out, but it does! I’m usually fairly sleepy and grumpy and sometimes make odd choices (Just ask my high school best friend!!). This morning was an absolute dream! I had breakfast and a delicious cup of coffee in my pjs, then 15 minutes before I needed to leave, threw my clothes on, picked out jewelry and fixed my hair.
Voila! Awesome morning, and an awesome outfit.
[Sweater (similar here) & Skirt (unable to find it 😦 my mom bought it for me for my birthday at an outlet): GAP
Shirt (similar here, stores carry a wide variety of colors!): Old Navy
Necklace (here): Urban Outfitters
Wedges (similar here): Clarks]

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